Astrid presentation at MSE2019

MSE2019 was jointly co-organized by 36 EU R&D projects, with the support of DG HOME. Around 200 people attended the event in Crete, where 58 EU projects presented their activities.

Astrid presentation at MSE2019

Among the covered aspects: 

In addition, keynotes were given by representatives of the EC on both management and technical aspects. 

Besides the overall presentations, a couple of hours per day were devoted to exhibition of videos and live demos from co-organizer partners, giving the opportunity to discuss relationships, synergies, and potential collaborations. 

While looking at several approaches and technologies in very different contexts related to security and resilience, from the presentations and discussions it was clear that the impact of cloud and virtualization technologies is still largely overlooked. Cloud technologies are already largely used to store data and host services, but their availability and trustworthiness is often taken for grant even without any relevant motivation. In addition, the potential usage of 5G for implementing cyber-physical systems seems to bestill scarcely applied. 

 The Darknet is largely seen as one of the most dangerous threats, since it is difficult to discover, browse, and analyse. In this respect, the ability to easily create, modify, and dispose any kind of service through software orchestration technologies can be viewed as an additional complexity, which cannot be properly tackled by today’s technologies. 

 Visual analytics are largely used to present huge amount of data to humans for stimulating their intuition. It is therefore important to include graphical user interfaces in cyber-security tools, which create awareness and give the possibility to identify potential relationships. 

In the photo the presentation of the Astrid project, a framework of confirmed innovativity and effectiveness.